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Company Culture

1. Our mission

Be good at innovation, be honest, pursue superiority, and create a win-win situation.

2. Our vision

Create industry benchmarks, build a better future, and be a sustainable and high-growth enterprise.

3. Our core values

Learning and enterprising, passion and dedication, unity and assistance, perseverance and integrity, create a win-win situation.

Fourth, our business philosophy

Insist on integrity, bold innovation, grasp the market, superior service, and satisfy customers.

Five, our view of employing people

Have both ability and political integrity, take virtue first, appoint people on their merits, employ talents


COPYRIGHT ? 2021 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Copyright:Dalian Hatonwood Biscuits & Dowel Co., Ltd

copyright:Dalian Hatonwood Biscuits & Dowel Co., Ltd

Design and production:Winsharing
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